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About Me

I combine my years of experience practicing mindfulness with my professional experience as a corporate trainer, coach, consultant, and HR leader to empower people who want to live, work, and lead mindfully. 

I started my journey towards mindfulness several years ago for a very practical reason: I was stressed and overwhelmed. I never dreamt how it would change my life and start me on the path to my passion and purpose. Rewind to when I first started practicing mindfulness- I was working in the extremely complex and volatile world of mortgage banking. Back then, everyday was like a hamster wheel and I couldn't figure out how to get off. But everything was great because I was a successful Loan Officer making a very good living, right? Wrong. I was an anxious mess. I was working hard but I simply could not enjoy life anymore. I could not get any lasting satisfaction or happiness no matter how many fancy meals, exotic vacations, or beautiful things I bought. When I wasn't working I was still thinking about work constantly and could not unplug. I was driving myself and the people in my life crazy. I also found myself 35 lbs. overweight due to my unhealthy, mindless eating habits (otherwise know as scarfing down French fries and candy bars at every opportunity) and non-existent exercise routine because I had no motivation or energy left. I could not keep living this way. Something was missing. But what, I had no idea. That's when a friend suggested mindfulness meditation to calm my mind and help me deal with the chaos and recharge my energy.  After only a short time of practicing mindfulness, I was much more equipped to manage my stress but what I didn't expect was how I had become more aware, engaged, focused, creative, and happy- I found a big piece of the "something is missing" puzzle .  This impacted my life in a big way; especially how I was now showing up for my relationships and career. I also lost the weight and have kept it off for several years now. I'm not saying it was unicorns and rainbows all the time but I developed the skills to respond more effectively to to challenges, setbacks, and obstacles as they came up instead of reacting in my old self-defeating ways and back-sliding to bad habits. Fast-forward a few years and I was now a Human Resources professional working as a corporate Coach and Trainer. I loved it! This was my calling. I had found the other piece of the puzzle.


Now, I combine my  passions of: coaching, training, and mindfulness to help people learn how to live fuller, healthier, and more meaningful lives. I'm committed to sharing the benefits of living, working, and leading mindfully and make mindfulness practices accessible to people and organizations so they can experience their own transformation, and find the "missing pieces", and live the life they've imagined.

Me and Lily, AZEN dog


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